Saturday, May 9, 2009

Found Some Old Pics

May 2006

Heres some happy snaps from last week end.

I had to travel to Toowoomba and I left real early so Icould take the "Long way" (read: Just follow any road that pointedwest...)

I found myself in the middle of no where riding on a goat track that the council laughably calls a road....

It was so bad at one point that I started hearing duelling banjos in the back of my mind and was wondering if some hillbilly was going to comecharging out shotgun in hand demanding that I "Ged off his prop-patty"

I had just found something that resembled civilisation when I looked tothe right and saw the sun coming up, so I decided to stop and take a snap of the sunrise while my butt had a rest(pity about the quality of my phone camera)....

20th September 2005:

Heres a pic I took on Mt Tambourine just after picking her up at this point he trip meter was reading 76.1 Km.